
Science Behind Sports

It definitely needs strength, skill and endurance to be successful in sports. But have you ever thought of the role of 'science' in sports? How did Usain Bolt become the fastest man in the world? Why's the shape of the soccer ball specific? These questions have fascinating, scientific answers!

Let's look at the science behind a few different sports. Basically, ballistics science governs everything from how bullets fire out of rifles to how cricket balls soar thorough the sky. Though track and field sports are more about harnessing the human body, there's science going on outside, too. Who'd guess that a pole vaulter utilises the power of science by converting kinetic energy into potential energy with the aid of his pole? Science is at work in the simplest sport of all - running. What makes you run faster is your ability to deliver impulses with your legs that accelerate you. Cycling and swimming are all about beating fluid dynamics, which is the science of how fluids move around objects. Swimmers try to minimize the resistance their body offers to water, while cyclists attempt to reduce air resistance by being aerodynamic. Skating is another demonstration of science as Newton's third law of motion is applicable when you're kicking against the curb to move yourself. Trajectory, force, gravity, energy, motion, friction- all concepts of science interplay in making a successful game so, understanding a little bit of science behind your favorite sport will help you achieve more.