
Seven Surprising Orthopedic Facts That Can Change The Way You Think

Two years ago the whole world was struck by a pandemic. While some people didn't take this period to their advantage, others took the opportunity to admire the greatest wonders of nature. On my exploration of these wonders, I came across the art of 'bonsai' which is a Chinese origin skill that requires love, passion, and time. Chinese planters invented 'bonsai'. It means that plants and trees that grow large can be compressed and grown in small pots for display. Over the years many techniques of bonsai have been developed to give variety to different plants. Plants best suited for bonsai are the ones that contain thick and large trunks which mature fast. Slow maturing plants can also be used as mini-bonsai plants that are grown in smaller pots. At first the true meaning of bonsai was unclear to me and the hidden wonder that many people fail to see was never there to be seen clearly. It took me so many trials and errors over many months of quarantine to really understand the wonder of nature and its features. I have lost many of my bonsais to various reasons. I couldn't learn without failing and losing the plant. The first plant that I converted into a bonsai, died as I hadn't used adequate soil mix and didn't water the plant properly. Over months that the pandemic remained it taught me that nature and its wonders never remain constant. It changes daily and the plants change too.