
Wonders of nature

Nature is a wonderful gift that has been given to man. The existence of the entire universe made up of matter and energies. Ever since the development of science, man has been exploring the Wonders of nature, but no one has yet been able to explain how it happened. The entire universe can be divided into three main regions namely Space, Land and water.

Nanotechnology is used to manufacture structures in coal, silicon, inorganic materials, metals, and semiconductors that do not work with humidity. It is based on biological systems present in an aqueous environment. Is it a small solution to big problems? Potential disadvantages include economic disruption and possible threats to security, privacy, health, and the environment. But it has many cancer cells, faster microprocessors that consume less energy, batteries that last 10 times longer, or solar panels that yield twice as much energy. Nanotechnology offers the potential for new and faster kinds of computers, more efficient power sources, and life-saving medical treatments.


A geyser is a spring of hot water and steam that bursts out from deep inside the earth. Three quarters of Iceland is covered by lava fields faithful geyser in Yellowstone national park never fails to erupt every 65 minutes.

Grand Canyon

Carved out by the Colorado River the Grand Canyon 1,500m deep is the most spectacular gorge in the world and is located in the state of Arizona US It is 277 miles long. it is noted for its fantastic shapes and colours, the colour of the canyon is red, but each layer has a unique shade green and pink, buff and gray and brown, slate gray and violet. It is home to approximately 70 species of mammals 250 species of birds 25 types of reptiles and 05 species of amphibians.

Niagara Falls

gara is the biggest water fall on the river Niagara. It s located between two cities those are New York and Toronto. Its 27 km long. Niagara Falls is one of the most romantic places on earth. It is also a source of hydraulic poweig;

7 Wonders of nature

Inventions of science have made our traveling fast and comfortable. We can reach safely at any part of the world within a few hours. Science has brought a great change in communication. The Harvesting machines, Tractors, Manures, and good quality seeds are the gift of science to a farmer. The broad goals of science are to understand natural phenomena and to explain how they may be changing over time. To achieve these goals, scientists carefully observe natural phenomena and conduct experiments. The seven natural wonders of the world are the following: Mount Everest, Harbour of Rio de Janeiro, The famous Sugarloaf mountain sticks out of Guanabara Bay, Great Barrier Reef, Victoria Falls, Paricutin Volcano, Grand Canyon and Aurora Borealis. Some of the more important components are soil, atmosphere, radiation from the sun, water, and living organisms. These 7 natural wonders of the world include the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, Paricutin, Mount Everest, Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Victoria Falls, and the Great Barrier Reef. Many of these naturally-formed displays require an aerial view to capture the vastness of each phenomenon.

Victoria falls border of Zimbabwe and Zambia

Two times as wide and double the depth of Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls is widely considered to be the world's largest waterfall, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. The roar of the rushing water is so great that it can be heard from a whopping 24 miles away, while the rising mist from the falls can be seen from more than 30 miles away.

Paricutin Michoacan, Mexico

One of the world's youngest volcanoes, Paricutin buried two local villages in ash when it first erupted in 1943. That same year, it rose a whopping 1,475 feet from the Earth. Paricutin reached its peak at 7,480 feet in 1952, the year it finally stopped erupting.

Yosemite, California

Known for its stunning cliffs, burnt-orange sunsets, and bubbling waterfalls, Yosemite is one of the most widely-renowned and popular national parks in the US. Yosemite's El Capitan was featured in the 2018 Oscar-winning documentary "Free Solo," but you might also recognize the monolith as the default background on many generations of Mac computers.

Grand canyon , Arizona

The Grand Canyon is an immense geologic wonder that was forged by glaciers millions of years ago. Its red rocks change color with the position of the sun, making for a stunning backdrop to any photo. Hiking the mile down into the canyon or rafting along the Colorado River are both popular activities among visitors

Solar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The largest salt 4,086-square-mile lakes overflow, ho reflective pool tha lat on the planet, Salar de Uyuni is a expanse of salt-crusted earth. When nearby ever, the region transforms into a stunning looks absolutely otherworldly.

Aurora Borealis, Iceland

Also known as the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis is the display of dancing lights near the Arctic Circle. The stunning explosion of colors is created by the collision of various gaseous particles with charged particles from the sun's atmosphere.

Zhangjiajie, China

Famous for its hulking peaks, shaky bridges, and deep caves, Zhangjiajie is China's first national forest park. Its mountains inspired the imaginary Hallelujah Mountains in James Cameron's hit film "Avatar

Great barrier reef australia

Home to the largest coral reef system in the world, the Great Barrier Reef is among the best scuba diving destinations on the planet. Stretching more than 1,800 miles down Australia's east coast, the reef is longer than the Great Wall of China and can be seen from outer space.

The sahara Africa

Spanning 11 African countries, the Sahara is the largest desert in the entire world at 3.5 million square miles. Its sheer vastness would be enough to make the Sahara one of the most impressive natural wonders on the planet, but its rolling red sands and windswept dunes make for a landscape unlike any other.

Mount Everest border of Nepal and china

The tallest summit on Earth, Mount Everest stretches a whopping 29,035 feet into the sky above the border of Nepal and China. Ascending this mammoth Himalayan peak is an impressive feat attempted by few, and accomplished by even fewer.

The grand Prismatic Spring Yellowstone, Wyoming

Though it isn't the most famous feature in Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Prismatic Spring is certainly the most visually stunning. Larger than a football field and deeper than a 10-story building, the Grand Prismatic Spring fans out into brilliant rings of green, yellow, and orange due to the heat-loving bacteria that call it home.

Cliff of moher Country clare iceland

The Cliffs of Moher, one of Ireland's most popular tourist destinations, are a five-mile stretch of 700-foot bluffs overlooking the majestic Atlantic Ocean. The grass-covered cliffs and banded rocks are striking against the backdrop where the sea meets the sky.

The maldives

Located in South Asia, the Maldives is a tropical nation comprised of 26 atolls, or coral-based islands, according to the country's tourist website. Its white-sand beaches and stunning crystal-clear waters attract tourists from far and wide, while its coral reefs are home to one of the most astounding arrays of sea life in the world.